Fireduck ======== Waterfox running under Xvnc inside a Docker container, a demented tool to solve a demented problem. Occasionally one needs to run dangerous code in a web brower, eg, some dodgy Java app which is the only available interface to some critical resource. Running this in one's normal web browser is a bad idea. So what one really wants here is a burner web browser. Here you go. See `` and `` for ways one might use the image. Something along the lines of the `` formulation might work well as the command portion of a tunneling `ssh -L 5900:` command. This version is based on Ubuntu rather than Debian, because I was trying to get the icedtea-web Java Plugin stuff to work. Didn't work, but then I tried a recipe for getting Java SE instead of OpenJDK, and that does seem to work. Might work equally well on Debian. Sadly, this approach requires one to download JRE directly from Oracle, get an account, and check through a license agreement, so I can't just give it away, you'll have to download the JRE yourself. [Kate's reference on installing Java](