# Implementation of RFC 1982 Serial Number Arithmetic. Run as a program, this takes start and finish serial values and tells you what intermediate steps (if any) are needed to make the specified change. Used as a module, this implements the `Serial` class and an iterator which returns the intermediate steps (if any) needed between two `Serial` values. Per the RFC, only two operations are defined on `Serial` objects: addition and comparision, both within a restricted range specified by the RFC. The default modulus is `2**32`, you can change this by subclassing the `Serial` class and overriding the `modulus` variable in the subclass. The modulus must be a power of two. See RFC 1982 for discussion of the ways in which serial numbers do not work like normal integers. In particular, note that there's a corner case in which one can have a pair of serial numbers `I1` and `I2` where `I1` is neither equal to, less than, nor greater than `I2`. This is deliberate and is not a bug in the code. See the RFC. The `find_intermediate()` iterator takes two `Serial` values `start` and `finish` and yields the sequence of intermediate values (if any) needed to step from `start` to `finish`. There are also a couple of test programs that use `random.randint()` to generate test values. Maybe someday I'll recode with `unittest`.