#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Implementation of RFC 1982 Serial Number Arithmetic. Run as a program, this takes start and finish serial values and tells you what intermediate steps (if any) are needed to make the specified change. Used as a module, this implements the Serial class and an iterator which returns the intermediate steps (if any) needed between two Serial values. """ class Serial: """Implementation of RFC 1982 Serial Number Arithmetic. Per the RFC, only two operations are defined on Serial objects: addition and comparision, both within a restricted range specified by the RFC. The default modulus is 2**32, you can change this by subclassing the Serial class and overriding the subclass's modulus variable. The modulus must be a power of two. See RFC 1982 for discussion of the ways in which Serial numbers do not work like normal integers. In particular, note that there's a corner case in which one can have a pair of Serial numbers I1 and I2 where I1 is neither equal to, less than, nor greater than I2. This is deliberate and is not a bug in the code. See the RFC. """ modulus = 2 ** 32 def __init__(self, val): self._val = int(val) if self._val < 0 or self._val >= self.modulus: raise ValueError def __add__(self, val): val = int(val) if val < 0 or val > (self.modulus - 1) >> 1: raise ValueError return type(self)((self._val + val) & (self.modulus - 1)) def __le__(self, other): return (self.modulus - int(self) + int(other)) & (self.modulus >> 1) == 0 def __ge__(self, other): return (self.modulus + int(self) - int(other)) & (self.modulus >> 1) == 0 def __eq__(self, other): return int(self) == int(other) def __ne__(self, other): return int(self) != int(other) def __lt__(self, other): return self != other and self <= other def __gt__(self, other): return self != other and self >= other def __int__(self): return self._val def __str__(self): return f"{int(self):{len(str(self.modulus))}d}" def find_intermediate(start, finish): """ Find the sequence of intermediate values (if any) needed to step from start to finish """ while not (start < finish): # sic: serial numbers are not (quite) integers start += ((Serial.modulus >> 1) - 1) yield start def main(): from argparse import ArgumentParser ap = ArgumentParser(description = __doc__) ap.add_argument("start", type = Serial) ap.add_argument("finish", type = Serial) args = ap.parse_args() print(f"Start at {args.start!s}") if args.start < args.finish: print("No step needed") else: for wrap in find_intermediate(args.start, args.finish): print(f"Step via {wrap!s}") print(f"End at {args.finish!s}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()