Title: Trac Wiki converted to Pelican Markdown URL: save_as: index.html Trac Wiki converted to Pelican Markdown ======================================= This is a dummy landing page for a Trac Wiki site converted to Markdown and fed through Pelican to create a static web site. See [the conversion scripts that produced this](https://git.hactrn.net/sra/trac-wiki-to-markdown) for details on the conversion process. Be warned that it's a lot of nasty regular expressions, because nothing other than Trac really understand's Track's Wiki format. Trac's landing page is always called [WikiStart](wikistart.html). Pelican's [automatically-generated index](pelican-index.html) is the default Pelican landing page, but we had to move it aside to make room for this one. For the initial conversion we just use Pelican's default theme. There's a *lot* of room to adjust the appearance, and a lot of [example themes already available for Pelican](http://pelicanthemes.com/). Similarly, we don't do anything with Pelican's "category" mechanism because it has no direct analogue in TracWiki. See [the Pelican documentation](https://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/) for details on how to use the category mechanism, or how to disable it completely. Feel free to clean all of this up, this page is just a placeholder to make it easy to navigate the converted wiki until a human takes over.